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The Director General of Al-Fao General Engineering Company visits the residential complex in Al-Aziziyah in Wasit Governorate, which includes (453) residential units

The Director General of Al-Fao General Engineering Company visits the residential complex in Al-Aziziyah in Wasit Governorate, which includes (453) residential units

The General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company (Eng. Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza), accompanied by the Engineer, Director of the Projects Department, visited the Al-Aziziya residential complex project in Wasit Governorate, which the company is implementing for the Housing Department of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works.

He was briefed on the ground about the reality of the ongoing work in the project and made some important observations and instructed to solve the obstacles facing the implementation work.He stated that this project contains (453) housing units and various service buildings (schools, health center, mosque, etc.) and the current completion rate. For the project, it amounts to (76) %.

His Excellency then continued his inspection tour of the projects implemented by the company in the governorate, where he visited the standardization and quality control building project, which the company is implementing for the Public Buildings Department. He praised the efforts of its employees and explained that this project includes three main buildings, five service buildings, halls and various rooms, and work is progressing at a rapid pace accelerated.


He announced that the company is continuing to implement various projects for all sectors in most governorates of Iraq

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