The meeting of the Board of Directors of Al-Fao General Engineering Compa
عقد اجتماع مجلس إدارة شركة الفاو الهندسية العامة بجلسته الرابعة في الدورة الجديدة يوم الاحد الموا
Brief description of the project: design and implementation of civil and electromechanical works,
وصف موجز للمشروع: تصميم وتنفيذ الاعمال المدنية والكهرو ميكانيكية وتركيب المعدات والانابيب والتشغي
Brief description of the project: demolishing the old building of Zammar High School and rebuildi
وصف موجز للمشروع : هدم البناية القديمة لثانوية زمار وإعادة بنائها بطابقين من (12) صف بمساحة (1000
Brief description of the project: Design and implementation of a residential complex of (30) thre
وصف موجز للمشروع: تصميـم وتنفيذ مجمـع سكني مـن (30) عمـارة ذات ثــلاث طـوابق بـأربع شـقـق للطابق
Project Name : Digging Fluid Channels In Eastern Baghada Oil Field
AL-Fao general engineering company / ministry of construction and housing & municipalities and public works located in Baghdad / Al-Alawi / Museum Square, announces a declare bidding to sale co
AL-Fao general engineering company / ministry of construction and housing & municipalities and public works located in Baghdad / Al-Alawi / Museum Square, announces a declare bidding to sale co
Brief description of the project: demolishing the old building of Zammar High School and rebuilding it on two floors of (12) rows with an area of (1000) square meters with Squares and green spaces