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Opening Of The Al-Nahrain University Project In Baghdad Governorate

In the presence of Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Director of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, and a number of university presidents and professors, His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, inaugurated the project (Building auditoriums and galleries at Al-Nahrain University) in Baghdad Governorate.

During the central celebration held by the Ministry, Al-Fao General Engineering Company and the project’s executive staff praised the great efforts made to complete this distinguished scientific edifice.

For his part, the company's general manager confirmed that this project, which is being implemented for the benefit of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is considered one of the important projects for the university, as it will accommodate the increase in the number of students, and is characterized by precise implementation and high specifications that contribute to enhancing the scientific level.

His Lordship highlighted the great and prominent role of His Excellency the Minister of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, Mr. Benkin Rekani, in the completion of this project through his intervention to resolve the outstanding issues and obstacles that faced the work.

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