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Seventh Session Of the Board Of Directors Of Al-Fao General Engineering Company (2024)

• Tuesday 30 / 7 / 2024.

• Eng. Imad Tawfiq Al-Mirza, General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, chairs the seventh session of the company's Board of Directors.

• Discussing the reality of the work of projects under implementation in the company in Baghdad and the governorates. • Emphasizing the completion of projects within the specified timeframes.

• Paying attention to projects included in the government program.

• The Council congratulated the company for completing three projects during this month.

• Discussing the stalled and suspended projects in detail and taking appropriate measures regarding them.

• The Chairman of the Council urged all employees of the company to double their efforts and focus on work and not to pay attention to malicious talk that attempts to undermine the determination of the employees and which has no basis in truth.

• The Council reviewed the field visits of the General Manager of the company's projects and resolving all obstacles facing the work.

• The Director of the Financial Affairs Department reviewed the work of the department and the financial position of the company.

• The Director of the Legal Affairs Department presented the department's activity and won some lawsuits in favor of the company.

• Discussing the company’s regulatory, administrative and media position and taking appropriate measures in this regard.

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