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Ninth Session Of The Board Of Directors Of Al-Fao General Engineering Company (2024)

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al-Mirza, General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, chaired the ninth session of the company's Board of Directors this morning, Wednesday, 25 / 9 / 2024.


At the beginning of the session, the Chairman of the Council welcomed the ladies and gentlemen members, after which the Council reviewed the paragraphs of the previous minutes and the measures taken regarding them, then discussed the topics included in the agenda, including:

- Topics raised by the Director of the Legal Affairs Department and appropriate measures were taken regarding them.

- The Chairman of the Council praised the projects completed by the company, which amounted to (20) projects since the beginning of the year until now, and indicated that the company continues to implement its projects in the capital, Baghdad, and the governorates and was able to resume work on suspended projects and advance stalled projects.

- The Council reviewed the field visits made by the General Manager, the Assistant and the senior staff in the company to see in the field the reality of the ongoing work in its projects and solve all the obstacles facing them.

- The Director of the Financial Affairs Department presented the work of the department, including (following up on the issue of disbursing the differences of contract employees, the company's financial dues, following up on the organization and inventory of the company's warehouses).

- The Council discussed the company's supervisory; administrative and media position and appropriate measures were taken in this regard.

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