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Mr. General Manager: The Company Continues To Work On Implementing Nine Prefabricated Schools In Kirkuk Governorate

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, stated that the engineering and technical personnel of the company in Kirkuk Governorate continue to work on the school buildings project in the governorate, which the company is implementing for the benefit of the Ministry of Education.

His Lordship explained that the company is building nine schools in the center, districts, and districts of the governorate using the prefabricated construction method and with various capacities (6, 12, 18) classrooms, with two or three floors.

He stated that the current work is (installing precast concrete pieces and electrical installations) and is progressing at an increasing and continuous pace day and night in order to complete the project within the contractual timings or at less than that, so that it enters service in the next academic year, and will have a major contribution to resolving the school crisis in the governorate, noting that the percentage of Current achievement is approximately (53%).

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