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General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company: Our Company implements low-cost housing units in Babil Governorate

General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company: Our Company implements low-cost housing units in Babil Governorate

Engineer Imad Muhammad Abdullah, General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, visited one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, a project to implement low-cost housing units in Babil Governorate, which the company is implementing for the benefit of the governorate office.

He was briefed on the field on the ongoing work in the project and made some technical observations related to the work, including the need to intensify the volume of work inside the site. After that, a meeting was held for the executive staff, which was attended by Eng. Hani Abbas Shubar, director of the company’s projects in the governorate. Rapid and continuous movement with the beneficiary to obtain the company's financial dues for the speedy completion of the project, and he stressed that the company's management will be supportive of all projects, especially the service ones.


In addition, that this project consists of two contracts

The first: includes building (25) residential buildings with three floors, each building contains (12) apartments, with (300) housing units.

His Excellency explained that the current works are the electrical and sanitary works, as well as the finishing works, and they include (cashi, ceramics and whiteness). He stated that the current completion rate is (76%) and the cost of this contract is about (28) billion dinars.

The second: includes building (15) buildings with three floors, each building contains (12) apartments, with (180) housing units. This complex includes a kindergarten, a nursery, a mosque, and an information building with electrical networks and sewage networks. His Excellency indicated that the current works are the works of installing doors and windows, and the works of sanitary and electrical finishes. The Director General added that the current completion rate in this project amounts to (86%) at a cost of (16) billion dinars.


After that, Mr. General Manager visited the headquarters of the company's projects department in the province of Babil, met with a number of associates, and urged the company's projects management in the province to move on all state institutions and the private sector in the province to obtain new job opportunities to employ workers and maximize the company's resources.


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