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Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza Inspects The Al-Baghdadi Water Project In Al-Anbar Governorate

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, inspected the Al-Baghdadi Water Project in Al-Anbar Governorate, which the company is implementing for the General Directorate of Water. He reviewed all the project facilities and praised the efforts of its workers, stressing the completion of the remaining paragraphs as quickly as possible.

He stated that this project is being implemented according to the latest international specifications and with Iraqi hands, and is in the final stages of completion. He stated that the production capacity is (3000) cubic meters per hour and that it supplies Al-Baghdadi district with potable water and the surrounding areas, and that it is one of the projects included in the government curriculum for the year 2023.

The General Manager added that the company completed several weeks ago the Dujail Water Project with a capacity of (4000) cubic meters/hour in Salah al-Din Governorate, and is currently implementing the Jadid al-Shat water project with a capacity of (2000) cubic meters/hour in Diyala Governorate.

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