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Within The Projects Of The Service And Engineering Effort Team: The Director General Of Al-Fao General Engineering Company Reviews In The Field The Reality Of The Ongoing Work Within The Fifth Police District In Baghdad Governorate

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, Director General of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, met with Lieutenant General Hatem Al-Moussawi, member of the Central Service and Engineering Effort Team, during his visit to the rehabilitation project of locality (867 & 869) in the Fifth Police District within Al-Rashid Municipality, Baghdad Governorate.

He was briefed on the ground about the reality of the ongoing work in the project, indicating that the work is progressing day and night for the purpose of completing it within the required timings, due to the areas’ urgent need for these services.

On the other hand, Lieutenant General Hatem Al-Moussawi, member of the Central Service and Engineering Effort Team, praised the great efforts made by the executive staff in the project, embodied in the progress of work in it despite the many difficulties and obstacles facing the implementation work.

The Director General reported that (the sewage and water network and pouring of the main manholes) had been completed, and the work of space furnishing and treatment of rattan under the roads had begun.

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