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With The Celebration Of Christmas And New Year: The General Director Of Al-FaO General Engineering Company Recalls The Projects (In Progress And Completed) For Members Of The Christian Community

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Director of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, stated that the company’s staff continues to work on the project of building the Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon Church in Baghdad Governorate.

He stated that the works are proceeding within the contractual timings and stressed the importance of precision in implementation and attention to specifications in a way that emulates the Christian religious heritage and displays it in a beautiful manner befitting the Chaldean Patriarchate. He explained that the current works are “finishing” in all paragraphs of the project.

With the world celebrating Christmas and New Year, the General Manager recalled some of the projects that the company had completed for the benefit of the members of the honorable Christian community, including the reconstruction project of the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance in Baghdad Governorate after it was exposed to a cowardly terrorist act. The company was able to restore it in a new look to practice religious rituals in it, and before in the year (2003) AD, the company rehabilitated the Church of the Clock in Nineveh Governorate, which is considered one of the oldest churches in Iraq.

His Lordship stated that the company is proud to implement and complete these projects because they serve our brothers in the homeland and humanity from the Christian community. We greet them with love, pride and appreciation on this occasion. We pray to God Almighty that the new year will be a year of goodness and blessings for our people and for our beloved Iraq with more progress and prosperity.

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