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The Director General Of Al-Fao Engineering Company Visits The Al-Tobji Agricultural Development Project In Baghdad Governorate

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, visited the project to develop and rehabilitate the Al-Tobji (410) agricultural area, which is one of the service and engineering effort projects within the Al-Kadhimiya Municipality in Baghdad Governorate, to watch on the ground the reality of the ongoing work there.

During the visit, he met with the project consultant and discussed with him some of the obstacles facing the work and the need to solve them immediately in order to speed up completion.

The General Director explained that the work in the project is (adding the pure water network, the rainwater network, and maintaining the old heavy water network for all alleys, along with the work of furnishing and edging the space and covering the area with muqarnas), adding that the current completion rate is (51%).

At the end of the visit, His Lordship thanked all the workers and urged them to make more efforts to serve our people.

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