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The General Manager Chairs A Meeting To Discuss The Reality Of The Company’s Work

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, General Manager of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, chaired a meeting attended by the Assistant General Manager and the ladies and gentlemen of the company’s department heads to discuss some of the organizational aspects related to the reality of the company’s work.


Meeting paragraphs

1. The General Director heard from the audience about some of the obstacles facing work, which were discussed in depth and then measures were taken to address them.

2. His Lordship emphasized the necessity of activating the work of some departments and divisions for the purpose of improving the company’s work.

3. The General Manager directed the necessity of rehabilitating and developing the company’s headquarters building in a way that befits the great reputation that the company enjoys.

4. Discussing the reality of the work of some important service projects and taking appropriate measures for them.

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