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Engineer Imad Al Mirza Visits The Cultural Center Building Project In Al-Kadhimiya, Baghdad

Engineer Imad Tawfiq Al Mirza, Director General of Al-Fao General Engineering Company, visited one of the formations of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, accompanied by Engineer Abdul Wahab Basil Abdul Latif, Director of the Projects Department at the company (the Cultural Center Building Project in Al-Kadhimiya, Baghdad) to see on the ground the ongoing work in it, and he summarized by saying:


# We directed the need to intensify the workload on the project.

# Current works are (covering facades and applying flooring).

# The building consists of four floors and includes (halls, various rooms, stores...).

# The current completion rate is (65 %).

# The work is being carried out for the benefit of the Martyrs Foundation and under the supervision of the Public Works and Maintenance Department.

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